What color do you want the iPhone XR 2019?


We are, we believe, just under 2 weeks for Apple to introduce the new iPhone 11. Once again, the eyes would be on the novelties of the iPhone 11 and that supposed iPhone 11 Pro that would reach the market ready to hit the table. However, there are also many who are waiting to buy the 2019 iPhone XR.

And it is not uncommon, since the iPhone XR launched for the first time last year has been the 2018 model that has had better sales. The fact of being able to have much of the characteristics of his older brothers or several hundred euros less has turned the iPhone “cheap” into a bestseller that has saved Apple’s ballot in the past year.

New iOS 13 wallpapers

Today iOS 13 has been updated to its version iOS 13.1! But beyond this confusion for programmers and developers, in addition to the general public, the interesting thing is that the review of the operating system adds a new series of wallpapers of different colors. As with the iPhone XR wallpapers last year, they could advance the new color range of the 2019 iPhone XR.

Colors of the iPhone XR 2019

The iPhone XR that has been with us for almost a year can be purchased in 6 different colors: white, black, blue, yellow, coral and red. If we pay attention to the wallpapers of iOS 13, we would find two new shades between the colors of the iPhone XR of 2019, following the leak that occurred weeks ago together: green and purple.

These two colors would replace the white and black models, because they are precisely the wallpapers that do not appear in iOS 13. In this way both colors would become part of the iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro catalog, being a good way to further distance the phones beyond the benefits offered by each.

However, it is also possible that these two new colors green and purple join the 6 existing tones and this year we have up to 8 different colors of iPhone XR. It won’t be until two weeks later when we can confirm these rumors, so we still have to wait a few days. Total, what more, if in the end we will all put a cover…




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